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History of Calculus

Over the past few months I have really enjoyed the math I have shared with my peers and the math that has been shared with me by my peers.  I also enjoy the field experience I am involved with but I felt like something was missing.  I found out that it wasn’t something missing it […]

Accuracy vs. Precision

I have been doing some searching on the terms we were discussing in class today.  I thought the definitions were not cleared up for everyone but this is what I tried to display on the board.  I found the mathematical definitions on accuracy Mathematics. the degree of correctness of a quantity, expression, etc.Compare precision […]

Assessment Tools

I have been trying to find the article that showed a teacher using index cards as low tech i-clickers and have not had much luck.  I did stumble upon this site that has some neat assessment tools. I will let you know if I find the article.  Basically what the teacher did was have a […]

Logarithmic Swoosh Rule

Logs have always been a hard concept to get across to students.  I learned a helpful tool in my pre calculus class my junior year of high school that has not only helped me from that point on but everyone who I have taught since then.  I call it the swoosh rule.  I am in […]