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Assessment Tools

I have been trying to find the article that showed a teacher using index cards as low tech i-clickers and have not had much luck.  I did stumble upon this site that has some neat assessment tools. I will let you know if I find the article.  Basically what the teacher did was have a set of index cards that were laminated  and they had the letters A, B, C and D on respective index cards that were color coded.  One color was for red, one for B and so on.  Each student takes one of each letter and brings them back to the their seat.  For any assessment that the teacher that some students would be embarrassed by, the teacher would have the students put their heads down on their desk and hold up the card indicating their answer.  The question and choices were on the board.  She mainly used it to check students understanding.  I thought that it was a good way to use the concept of i-clickers if you were not given the budget to have iclickers.

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