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Let Go Old or New Teachers

EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE should watch this video!!  This past weekend I saaw this on ABC news.  It brings up some very valid points.  I would like to agrue both sides: firing based on seniority and firing based on results.

For years firing has been mostly based on seniority, with the exceptions of some firing taking place in specific content areas and if a tenured teacher does something completely out of line.  This is supported by teacher unions, probably because the main people who are in charge of the teachers union are tenured teachers.  The tenured teachers have more experience in teaching and are usually well respected in the community.  They have built connections over the years and some community members may get upset with then being let go.  This also prevents schools from wrongfully or arbitrarily firing teachers who are close to retirement in order to save money and make the teacher lose out on money (unless of course the teacher did something completely out of line). 

In the business world, if someone is not doing their job, no matter what their age, they risk being fired.  So why not have the same policy in schools, don’t the students deserve the best teachers possible?  I am not saying experienced teacher, especially those nearing retirement cannot be good teachers; I am saying when cuts are needed as well as other times only the best teachers should be retained.  Many times the newest teachers have the best training and are making the most impact, yet are the first to be laid off.  Many times the newest teachers are getting results, connecting with students and may be going the extra mile. 

Watch the video and see what you think!

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