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Have Your Cake… And Eat It Too!

I have come to really like a lot of posts by Kate Nowak and When I came across her Extrinsic Motivation post I thought it was awesome! She talks about how she is in a cake decorating class and how she was supposed to make a rainbow but made a pie chart on the cake instead. She then took a picture of it and had her students label the radian measurements of all the parts. When the students found out that they get to eat it afterwards they were very into it.

I thought it was a great way to motivate students! I like getting ideas for motivating students. I think that I would like to try something like this in my classroom someday. When I was in High School we had “pi day”, which happens on 3/14 and I am sure that many of you celebrated this day as well. We got to bring in pie and have a little celebration and discussed the number pi and its applications. Students always get excited when food is involved. Matt and Nichole have already incorporated food into their lessons and I remember doing a unit with cookies and jelly bellies in middle school. Food is a great motivation but it also can be a big distraction if not used right.

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